Tuesday, December 4, 2007

We're Takin' a Sick Day

Actually a sick week. We took V to the pedi yesterday because she woke up with a cough and wheeze. Our pediatrician has her on a plethora of meds for the week to make sure she recovers and stays well. But as you can tell, she's taking the whole thing just horribly. But nothing a good tutu, tap shoes, and glitter can't fix. 'Cause that's probably the best medicine of all. And makin' Mommy pretend to be a dog named Princess Cece. "Sit, Mommy. I mean Princess Cece."


Mommy's Cherish said...

Awwwww, she is so cute....don't you just love dress up days, so magical. I think I will try to get to Boerne this weekend. I need to surf the web and find out more....thanks for sharing the idea.

Stacy said...

Oh my, she's a little pistol, too, isn't she? What a cutie, even being sick, she exudes cuteness. I hope she feels better soon.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of tutus, we got ours in the mail the other day. Thank you SO SO much!! It's precious. Isabel has a little bit of growing before she'll fit into it yet, but I'll send you a picture as soon as she wears it.

Christina said...

Aww, poor baby! Seems like she's been sick a lot lately. But she also seems to handle it quite well, all decked out in her princess finest. such a sweetie!

Unknown said...

Feel better soon, sweet V!

Honorary Indian said...

I bet you make a terrific kitty cat. Given your hubby's nickname for you. :)

Honorary Indian said...

OOOPS! I thought I read that V made you be a kitty cat. Well, I'm sure you rocked as a puppy dog, too.

Think I need more coffee.

Stacy said...

get better soon!

Anonymous said...

gotta love sick days!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh....That's so cute that she wants to pretend with you...and fun stuff...all I get to do is build trains!! and make the choo choo sound....

SusieJ said...

I hope you feel better. Susiej

Arizaphale said...

I want to know your husband's nickname for you now!!! Stacy has piqued my curiosity. :-D

That's a great shot of the Sweet V and even as a sickie she is still as gorgeous as ever.

Hope the meds work soon.