Wednesday, November 14, 2007


And I don't mean Bock. Look at my poor baby. She got this when Natalya hit her in the eye with a baseball bat. It was an accident and it was a foam bat. A hard foam bat. When I was little my sister hit me in the eye with a bat, too. Supposedly that was also an accident but that was a REAL bat. 'Member that, Steph? Oh, and that boo boo on V's lip is from the night before when she apparently ran into the fence. I think my baby is going to have a bumpy ride.


Anonymous said...

Oh, poor girl! I hope she's doing okay! I just found your blog from Shawn-she did mine also. Your tutu's look adorable-I'm going to check out that giveaway! Thanks!

Melody A. said...

She's Ok. She's been milkin' it, though. Everytime someone says, "Oh, are you OK?" She says, "No. It hurts. My sister hit me with a bat."

Anonymous said...

Uh...I don't recall ever being violent with my sweet sister. I thought you were the violent one. ;o)

Poor V. She's a tough cookie, though. Like her Auntie Steph!

Christina said...

Oh poor baby! Kisses! Sounds like the baseball incident is a family tradition, tho, so at least it's out of the way. ;o)

Stacy said...

Poor child! Those hits near the eye are so scary. :( She seems a bit "adventurous" like my Anya. I forsee us doing a lot of worrying. *sigh*

LOL about what she said, though. They are so matter of fact when they are little, aren't they? :)

Maya said...

Poor lil thing! How does she still look so stunning though?

Stacy said...

Ouch! My daughter has just entered a clutsy phase. She was never really adventurous when she was little so we had few accidents, but she's making up for it big time now. She's constantly falling or bumping into things.