Monday, November 19, 2007

And the Winners Are...

Can I first say, "Wow!" And where were you when I was trying to sell theses things at the not-really-a- craft show? Thanks to everyone who came this time. And I got so many new visitors from Maile and Shawn. Thanks gals! OK, drum roll please... The lucky size 2 winner is Cynthia and the lucky size 3 winner is Stacy. Congrats! I will get in touch with you to get your address and choice of color. Thanks to everyone who participated.

Cynthia, I know I've seen you in the blog world somewhere. Leave me a comment on how to find you again.


Anonymous said...

congrats to the lucky winners!!

Stacy said...

Ooooh, thanks Melody!! I can't wait to get it! I will send you an e-mail with my address. :)

Christina said...

Well, I'm dissapointed to not be the proud new owner of a beautiful tutu, but congrats to Stacy and Cynthia! At least I know we'll get to see some picture's of Stacy's Anya puting it to good use. :o)

Anonymous said...

OMG! You just made my year! And that's saying a lot because my daughter was born this year. I don't think I've ever won anything before.

I have no blog - yes, I am the only mother in the country without a blog - but you can find me here:

And here:

I know you through your sister - we went to high school together. And I also know Maile...and Jenny...and Dawn.

Here's my mailing address:
3813 Annunciation Street
New Orleans, LA 70115

And seriously, my friends here are going to go crazy for the tutu so send me ordering info.

Thank you so much!!!

Arizaphale said...

Sounds like you have been busy Melody! Wish I could have won a tutu in the days when BA wore them relentlessly. Hope everything is ok with you guys!!